
Cathletics Digital VBS Day 1 Sample

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MY VBS CAT Feature

Day 1 Main Intro


Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! Welcome to Cat.Chat Airlines!

My name is Captain ____________. Thank you for choosing to fly with us this week!

Hold on tight as we take flight on “A Radical Ride on the Wings of Prayer” This week at our Cat.Chat VBS, we are going on a special kind of ride!

Each day, we are going to travel to different parts of the world and journey through exciting lessons on prayer with the guidance of the angels and saints.

Did you know that taking a ride in an airplane can make us think of prayer?

Picture Jesus as the pilot and we are His passengers. When we get onboard and allow Jesus to be our pilot, our lives can be a great journey, an awesome adventure, A Radical Ride!

Sometimes the ride of our life may be smooth and calm, and other times we might experience turbulence with ups and downs. When we ride our lives on the wings of prayer, we can experience more peace and greater joy! This ride could change your life!

By learning more about prayer this week at VBS, it will help us to enter into a deeper friendship with Jesus! Jesus is the one who can take us to our ultimate destination which is… (allow kids to answer) Heaven!

Jesus is telling us to buckle up and enjoy this Radical Ride on the Wings of Prayer!

Are you ready to go on this Radical Ride? (introduce all the groups)

Is the Canada group ready? (group cheers)

How about the Mexico group? (group cheers)

Repeat again louder: “Are you ready to go on a Radical Ride?” (have kids cheer even louder)



Ask your parish priest if he can lead the opening prayer. It’s great to have the presence of a priest at different times throughout the VBS week.

Pray the opening prayer and end with a prayer that everyone can join in, such as the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be.

Jesus, we thank you for bringing us all together here to grow in our faith. This week at our Cat.Chat VBS, we pray that we will learn more about prayer with the Angels and Saints and experience a deeper love for You. Bless our day and keep everyone safe during our travels. Amen.


Introduce the theme Song, A Radical Ride ! Play the Action Song video. Ask all the leaders to particpate, too. 


Go over any rules and make important announcements. Explain the fire evacuation plan and point out fire exits and washrooms.


One by one, introduce each of the groups and their leaders and have them cheer. “Where is Canada?” (Canada group cheers)


Today’s theme of the day is Get Onboard!

Get onboard for a Radical Ride to the northern parts of Canada!

Show a flag of Canada and locate the country on the map.

If you live in Canada, you can choose to visit the Southern parts of the USA. (perhaps, Hawaii or Florida) If you live in the USA, you can choose to visit Canada. This will give the children a different country to experience.

St. Raphael the Archangel (the patron of saint of travelers) will be our tour guide for today.

We’ll have fun exploring what prayer is and how the angels guide us on this journey.

Our Bible verse of the day is,

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...” James 4:8

Kids will watch the Bible Verse video in the music and/or the faith station.

Dismiss the children to their groups. The group leaders will lead the children to their appropriate station.