Here's a useful 20 day prayer schedule to help you grow closer the Jesus as well as some resources on topics, prayer, and confession.
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Day 1 | Perseverance |
Day 2 | Choices |
Day 3 | Don't Worry |
Day 4 | Anger |
Day 5 | Family |
Day 6 | Forgiveness |
Day 7 | Boldness |
Day 8 | Friendship |
Day 9 | Holy Spirit |
Day 10 | Giving |
Day 11 | Gossip |
Day 12 | Joy |
Day 13 | Love |
Day 14 | Materialism |
Day 15 | Patience |
Day 16 | Peace |
Day 17 | Pride |
Day 18 | Work |
Day 19 | Heaven |
Day 20 | Fear |