
Cathletics VBS Action Song DVD

Cathletics VBS Action Song DVD
9.95 $ USD each



This DVD is perfect for helping kids learn the actions to all their favorite VBS songs. 

The CATHLETICS Action Song DVD features:

  • 11 action Song Videos

  • 5 Daily Bible Verse Songs

  • 5 Daily Theme Intros

Song Titles

Day 1:

Champion for Christ

King of All

Day 2:

Do What’s Right


Day 3:


Rise Up

Day 4:

Fruits of the Spirit

I Will Win

Day 5:

Spark My Heart

For Children Everywhere

Cathletics VBS Action Song DVD Preview

The CATHLETICS VBS program has 11 action Song Videos, 5 Daily Bible Verse Songs and 5 Daily Theme Intros. Below is 1 sample of each.

CATHLETICS VBS Action Song: Champion for Christ



CATHLETICS VBS Theme Intro - Day 1 



CATHLETICS VBS Daily Bible Verse Song - Day 4,  1 Corinthians 9:25


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