
Great Journey With Jesus Music CDs

5.95 $ USD each
4.95 $ USD per unit for buying at least 25
4.50 $ USD per unit for buying at least 50
4.25 $ USD per unit for buying at least 75
3.95 $ USD per unit for buying at least 100
3.75 $ USD per unit for buying at least 125
3.50 $ USD per unit for buying at least 150
3.25 $ USD per unit for buying at least 175
2.95 $ USD per unit for buying at least 200
2.50 $ USD per unit for buying at least 225


10 Fun Songs to Help Your Kids Discover the Life of Christ Through The Cycle of The Church Year

Includes 10 sing-along tracks.


MY VBS Cool Kingdom Music dividers 2 10
Great Journey With Jesus Song Previews

Sample Music


MY VBS Cool Kingdom Music dividers 2 09

Bulk Rates for VBS customers:

1-24 CDs = $5.95 each

25- 49 CDs = $4.95 each

50-74 CDs = $4.50 each

75-99 CDs = $4.25 each

100-124 CDs = $3.95 each

125-149 CDs = $3.75 each

150-174 CDs = $3.50 each

175-199 CDs = $3.25 each

200-249 CDs = $2.95 each

250 or more = $2.50 each


MY VBS Radical Ride Music divider 16

Watch "In The Studio" Series

Hear the stories about creating and producing these top-quality songs from The Cat.Chat Man and the team.

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