
Making the faith Alive for kids sometimes requires a little extra encouragement to make it their own. One practical way to instill a sense of ownership of the faith is to encourage kids to be familiar with their Bibles.

Athletes are training for the Olympics, one of their top priorities is to have a good relationship with the coach. JESUS is our Head Coach! We need to spend time with Him if we want to become Champions for Christ. One way we can do this is by reading our Bibles everyday! It is Jesus that gives us the confidence to be bold in our faith. Don’t be afraid to share the Good News about Jesus with others. 

These Bold Bible Covers can remind us to read the Word of God to become Champions for Christ. 

You’ll Need: 

  • Bible covers
  • Colorful duct tape
  • Permanent markers
  • (Opt.) Cathletics Stencils (download)


  • Tear strips of duct tape for younger children.
  • (Opt.) Print stencils on cardstock and cut them out.


  1. Write your name on the inside flap of the Bible cover. 
  2. Tear two strips of tape to form a cross on the cover.
  3. Decorate your Bold Bible Cover using stencils, markers and other pieces of colorful tape.

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Bold Bible Covers Craft is used in our Cathletics VBS program. If you're interested, explore the Cathletics: Champions for Christ Catholic VBS program here.


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