- By Cat.Chat Productions
What age range is Cat.Chat's Digital VBS Music designed for?
It’s designed for kids in Kindergarten to 5th grade, but can be enjoyed with the whole family.
Does a parish pay a licensing fee and then have permission to send it out to VBS families? What is the cost?
The licensing fee varies depending on how many kids are registered for your VBS program. Click here to view the pricing. Your parish will have access to the links for each of the five VBS days. You can choose when to send out the links to the families.

- By Cat.Chat Productions
What age range is Lenten Journey designed for?
It’s designed for kids ages 5-9, but can be enjoyed with the whole family.
After the parish or school purchases the program, who can they share it with?
If you are a parish, you have permission to share the program links each week with your parish families. Schools and homeschool groups also have the rights to share the Lenten Journey lessons with the teachers or homeschool families within their school.

- By Gerald Montpetit
Our family was having a lovely meal over the Christmas break, when I surprised everyone at the table and spontaneously popped a question: “If each of you could pick three positive words that would best describe our family, which words would you pick?” Everyone was silent for a moment, and then Dominic, our oldest son, piped up with an encouraging smile and said: “Way to go, Dad!” Everyone chuckled because it’s usually Denise, my wife, who likes to ask meaningful conversation questions when the family gets together. So, I surprised them all!
We all started brainstorming and reminiscing about what we accomplished as a family, the places we traveled to while performing concerts, the people we met through our Cat.Chat ministry, our humble beginnings when the kids were really young, and some of the trials we walked through together. Each of our kids, including Jacob our son in-law and Catherine our daughter in-law, took their turns and shared words they thought best described our family.
I started writing the words down on a piece of paper and got excited with the wide range of uplifting words that were being shared. After about ten minutes, we had collected over thirty words.

- By Cat.Chat Productions
The past couple of weeks have brought a lot of changes in our day to day life. Self-isolation and social distancing has probably made for a lot more time with your spouse and family. However, not being able to go out can make it hard to plan a romantic night as a couple. Here are a few date ideas to help you create some fun memories with your spouse in your own home.

- By Cat.Chat Productions
Toady we celebrate St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church!
While on one of our concert tours, our family stopped to visit Canada’s largest church, St. Joseph's Oratory. We were all very excited to see and experience all that St. Joseph had accomplished through a humble saint named Andre Bessette.

In Matthew 22, Jesus tells us a parable: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast; but they would not come. Again, he sent other servants saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast. But they made light of it and went off, one to his farm, another to his business…”
Christ has a banquet prepared for us, but so often we are too busy with our own affairs. We are consumed by distractions and do not listen to the voice that calls us to the feast.

- By Cat.Chat Productions
It’s difficult to let go and hand over our worries and concerns to God. There is no better time than now to pray the Litany of Trust during Lent.

- By Cat.Chat Productions
Lent is an excellent opportunity to help kids develop a habit of prayer; an ongoing conversation and friendship with God that is essential to living the Christian life. St. Therese of Lisieux is a great example of how she lived a simple life of prayer. Her ‘little way’ is a lifestyle that we, as well as kids, can certainly learn from. All quotes below are from this beautiful, humble and joy-filled Saint.
Read more: 6 Simple Tips for Teaching Kids How to Pray During Lent

- By Cat.Chat Productions
A huge thank you to everyone who sent in their Christmas Coloring contest picture. We received so many amazing entries and it was hard to choose just one winner from each category. Here are the three top picks!

- By Cat.Chat Productions
Grab your markers and a cup of hot chocolate, and have fun coloring this Christmas coloring page. When you're finished, email us a picture of it! We'll be picking a winner from three different age categories. The winners will receive free downloads for a Cat.Chat video episode on Generosity and the Cat.Chat Saint Coloring Book. (Just in time for Christmas) 🙂