Many years ago, when I was barely tall enough to see over the edge of the kitchen counter, I remember my mom setting out a special saint display every month. One, in particular, stands out in my memory, and it was to celebrate the feast of St.Therese. I can still picture the corner of the kitchen where there sat a small plastic statue of Therese and a poster where I wrote her name with a pink marker. Plastic red roses were scattered around the statue and there were a couple saint books open to the page with her story. The St. Therese display stayed on the counter for most of the month as a constant reminder that we had a special friend in Heaven who was praying for us.
This was just one of the ways that my parents helped instill in me a love for the saints, and looking back, I can now see what a profound impact it had on my spiritual life. But what exactly did I learn from the saints?
From St. Therese, I learned to find joy in the little, ordinary tasks of my day.
St. Dominic Savio showed me that I can be holy no matter how old I am.
St. Joan of Arc taught me that I could be brave and courageous in whatever battle I faced.
In the life of St. Damien of Molokai, I realized that I can make sacrifices to serve and love other people, even when it isn't easy.
St. Joseph witnessed to me what it truly means to love and serve my family.
St. Andre Bessette taught me that incredible miracles can happen when I put my trust in God.
And I learned from St. Patrick that I can be bold and share my faith with others.
It's amazing to reflect on the dozens of saints that I grew up learning about, and how they continue to impact my life today.
As parents and teachers, it is so important that you continue sharing saint stories with your kids. Introduce the saints as heroes and friends who are there to help your kids on their journey through life. You could also get saint cards and posters, and maybe it will inspire you to set up your own little saint display each month.
Start this year on All Saints Day
Every year my mom helped our family celebrate All Saints Day by making us dress up as our favorite saint. With chocolate running down our chin, we would then present that saint to the rest of the family:)
There are so many ways to introduce our kids to the lives of the saints. As parents and teachers, we need to remember that what we allow our kids to watch often determines who their heroes will be.
In volume 3 of Amazing Angels and Super Saints Audio Drama, Papa, Josh, Hannah, and Moses are hosting an All Saint's Day Party for their friends (and Rocko the dog). Kids will learn about our Guardian Angels, St. Francis, St. Joseph, St. Therese, St. Dominic, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Find out why we ask the Saints to pray for us and why we give them honor.
Digital Audio Drama Episodes (Includes 6 different episodes)
All Saints Day Fun Activities
Check out "All Saints Day Fun" to find awesome Saint activities you can do with your kids.
You can also check our Cat.Chat's Coloring Book of The Saints. Featuring 32 different saints for your children to color. Perfect for feast days, All Saints Day, or just as a quiet faith-filled activity throughout the week.
Cat.Chat's Coloring Book of the Saints PDF Download
I am still discovering new saints that inspire me, and I want to encourage you to do the same. We don't have to walk this journey of faith alone, so let us follow in the footsteps of our Heavenly friends who desire nothing more than to lead us ever closer to Christ.
Who were some of the first saints you learned about? I'd love to hear in the comments below!