The Easter Triduum was always something we looked forward to as kids. Mom and Dad did a great job of instilling traditions that helped us enter into the spirit of Holy Week and grow in our faith and love for Christ.
We want to share a few of our Triduum traditions and provide a few free resources that you can do with your kids.
Luc, Vanessa and Jerome (a few of the Cat.Chat kids) share some of their favorite Triduum traditions.
Holy Thursday
For our family, Holy Thursday supper is always a special meal of bread, cheese, grapes and wine (sparkling wine or grape juice for the kids). Before the meal, Dad washes our feet and mom puts lotion on them. The kids can then wash mom and dad's feet. We then gather around the table and Dad reads the story of the Last Supper, blesses the bread and the wine, and passes it around for us to enjoy.
Good Friday
About 13 years ago, mom and dad decided to make Good Friday a day of silence. There would be no social media, computers, or TV. At first, we all grumbled and said it would be impossible to remain silent for a whole day. However, it ended up being one of our favorite days in Holy Week and it has since become a Triduum tradition.
In the afternoon, we always pray the Stations of the Cross, and in the evening, the older kids have the option to stay up and watch The Passion of the Christ or another inspiring movie.
Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday is a time of preparation for the big day! This often includes cleaning, decorating and baking treats for Sunday. Find some new recipes that you can all make together.
We've also provided a few free coloring pages that you can print off for your kids.
Click to download and print the coloring pages
Easter Sunday
The day of the Resurrection! What a joyous celebration. Although we are unable to gather with our extended families this year, let us remember that Christ is Risen and we have so much to celebrate and be grateful for. Call family and friends that you maybe haven't talked to in awhile. If you have neighbors or elderly people in your area, knock on their door and wish them a Happy Easter from the sidewalk. Make it your family's mission to make a few lonely people smile on this joyous day.
This is also a great day to listen to the Cat.Chat Audio Drama: An Extra Special Easter. If you don't have it at home, it's available on iTunes.
What are some of your family's Triduum traditions? We'd love to hear how you are preparing to celebrate Easter this year!