- By Cat.Chat Productions
Thanks to all those who entered the St. Joseph Coloring Contest this year. We received so many awesome entries! Here are the winning masterpieces.

- By Cat.Chat Productions
In our home we try to keep Good Friday as a day of silence and prayer, free from electronics and other media. Here are 10 ideas you can do to help keep your kids focused on the meaning of this important day.

The Easter Triduum was always something we looked forward to as kids. Mom and Dad did a great job of instilling traditions that helped us enter into the spirit of Holy Week and grow in our faith and love for Christ.
We want to share a few of our Triduum traditions and provide a few free resources that you can do with your kids.

- By Reanne Montpetit
It’s that time of year again. Lent is a time where we become more intentional, less concerned about ourselves, and more willing to reach out to others. It may involve stepping out of our comfort zones, but that’s not usually a bad thing. Forty days is the perfect amount of time to form good habits that may stick with you for the rest of your life.
Read more: 20 Creative Things To Do With Your Family During Lent
- By Cat.Chat Productions
October 2nd marks the memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels. Here are a few fun ways to celebrate this feast with your family or the kids in your classroom.
Fun Facts:
- This feast day has been part of the Church's calendar since 1615.
- The word "angel" means messenger.
- Our guardian angel is always with us and is said to accompany our souls to heaven when we die.

- By Cat.Chat Productions
A few years after we started Cat.Chat, a friend of ours said to me: “Ger, I think you should consider doing Cat.Chat concerts for kids and families.” I can’t describe to you what happened inside me when she spoke those words. I quickly and abruptly said, “I rebuke that comment as concerts are not an option for me!”
Those who were a part of the conversation were quite surprised at my reaction since I typically take a considerable amount of time to process and respond with a gentler approach. My stern reply was a sign that something in me required deeper reflection. In my heart, I knew it meant the possibility of jumping into the unknown. YIKES! That scared me. It really scared me.

- By Cat.Chat Productions
Over the past two decades, we asked our five kids fun questions that prompted interesting replies and sparked meaningful conversations. We recorded their comments in a notebook and would like to share them with you.
Hopefully, they can bring a smile to your face and warm your heart in this season of your life.
We asked: What’re the most beautiful words in the English language?
I Love You (Jerome, age 7)
What do you most look forward to about growing old?
Peace & quiet in my house. (Dominic, age 10)

- By Cat.Chat Productions
We created some advertising graphics to help remind parents to sign up for your parish Lenten Journey.
Simply right-click on the image you want to use and save it onto your computer.
Read more: Advertising For Your Parish/School Lenten Journey

- By Gerald Montpetit
When I wrote this song, I was alone at a friend's cabin doing some songwriting. As I was telling God about all the unknowns and uncertainties of my life, I found myself reflecting on the lives the Saints and how courageous they were amidst their own personal struggles.
The lives of the Saints have always challenged me to pursue holiness, but I often find myself saying the words of St.Therese of Lisieux, "Lord, make me a Saint, but please be gentle with me."
God is calling all of us, young and old, to become saints. Yes, this is a radical thought.
Most of us think it's unattainable, and yet, the whisper in our hearts is still there. “Come follow me” says Jesus the Saint Maker, who is calling us, as well as our kids, to embrace the challenge. This challenge of becoming saints happens in the midst of our joys, struggles, sins, fears, uncertainties and most importantly, within the details of our own personal day to day life.